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Al Freej Bus



The friendliest bus around

Al Freej Bus is the easiest way around your neighborhood. It runs from Al Barsha to Jumeirah Village Circle. To catch the bus, all you have to do is walk down to the nearest Al Freej Bus stop and wave out to it.

Your very own bus

Al Freej Bus has been specially introduced to serve all residents from Al Barsha to Jumeirah Village Circle. There are 23 dedicated Al Freej Bus stops along the route. So you will find one near your home and close to your favourite coffee shop, gym and mall.

Your new family vehicle

The fares are low. It goes to all the places you want. And you don’t have to look for parking. Which makes it the perfect vehicle for your family to travel around your neighborhood.


Useful links

Al Freej Bus map and stations

Station Name

Station Name

1. The Mall Of The Emirates 2

15. JVC, Mirabella Villas 2

2. Al Barsha, Al Waseer Compound Villas

16. JVC, Le Grand Chateau Block A

3. JVC, Mayass Blvd A

17. JVC, Westar La Residencia

4. JVC, Sandoval Lane Apartsments

18. JVC, Hanover Square

5. JVC, Shoba Daffodil Apartments

19. JVC, Manhattan Tower

6. JVC, Al Wazzan Tower

20. JVC, Atlantis S

7. JVC, Westar Vista Apartments

21. JVC, Tuscan Residences

8. JVC, Prime Business Tower

22. JVC, Noor Residences

9. JVC, Emirates Garden Rose 2 Apartments

23. JVC, Season Community Autumn

10. JVC, Nakheel Villas T12

24 JVC, Season Community Summer

11. JVC, Qamash Blvd A

25. Dubai American Academy

12. JVC, Judi Palace Apartments

26. Al Barsha A

13. JVC, Diamond Views 3

27. Al Barsha, Rashid Center For Disabled

14. JVC, Mirabella Villas 6

28. Mall of Emirates, Saleh Bin Lahej Building

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