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Vehicle Online Selling Agreement

This service enables you to perform an online selling agreement in Dubai.

Individuals and companies that sell and manufacture vehicles are eligible to apply for this service.
Required documents

Citizens and GCC nationals and Residents

  1. Original Emirates ID
  2. Copy of the electronic selling agreement

Commercial companies

  1. Original Emirates ID of the authorised person
  2. Official letter from the company
  3. Copy of the Trade Licence with the annex of the partners' list
  4. Copy of the electronic selling agreement
  5. In case it is a Limited Liability Company, a copy of the Memorandum of Association of the showroom, translated into Arabic (legalised translation)

Companies (Free Zone)

  1. Original Emirates ID of the authorised person
  2. Official letter from the company
  3. Copy of the Trade Licence
  4. Copy of the Memorandum of Association, translated into Arabic (legalised translation)
  5. NOC from the Free Zone authority

Local and federal governmental and semi-governmental entities

  1. Original Emirates ID of the authorised person
  2. Letter from the governmental entity

Diplomatic bodies

  1. Original Emirates ID
  2. Official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service fees
  • 20 AED to be paid by the dealerships to RTA through e-wallet account or credit card.
Process time
  • 5 minutes.
RTA Authorised Showrooms
  • Showrooms accredited by RTA
  1. The customer heads to one of the showrooms authorised by RTA.
  2. The customer presents the required documents.
  3. The customer pays the required fees.
  4. The showroom proceeds with the sale transaction request on RTA traffic system.
  5. After approval, the customer (buyer) can log in to his account on RTA website and select the vehicle from the dashboard to proceed with the next licensing service (registration, transfer, possession…).
Average waiting time

14 days.

What you will get

Online selling agreement.

Terms and conditions
  • The online selling system allows customers to conclude selling agreements between individuals and companies as follows:
    • Between individuals
    • Between an individual and an institution or company
    • Between the showroom or dealership, owner of the system, and an individual or commercial company.
  • The validity of the online selling agreement is 14 days from its issuance date. If the selling agreement exceeds the mentioned period, it is considered cancelled by virtue of the provisions of the traffic law.
  • If the showroom is a mediator in the selling agreement, the presence of the buyer and seller in the showroom must be proved through the original Emirates ID, stamping, and signature of the online selling agreement. When completing the transaction in the service centre, the showroom representative and the buyer or their legal representatives must be present to complete the remaining procedures.
  • If the showroom is the vehicle owner in the selling agreement, the presence of the person authorised by the company and seller in the showroom must be proved through the original Emirates ID, stamping, and signature of the online selling agreement. When completing the transaction in the service centre, the buyer or his legal representative must be present to complete the remaining procedures.
  • The vehicle owner or his legal representative must be present, with the power of attorney stipulating the “sale and disposal of vehicles”.
  • The customer must perform any licensing transaction within 14 days to prevent any penalties and fines.
  • The customer must pay all traffic fines (Dubai and other emirates fines) before receiving this service.
  • If the vehicle was mortgaged, the customer must apply online and release the mortgage before receiving this service.
  • Question 1: What is electronic selling agreement?

Answer 1: An electronic selling agreement is a contract between the seller and the buyer signed in the presence of both parties in the authorised showrooms. It is an alternative for the traditional selling agreement.

  • Question 2: What will happen to the traditional selling agreement?

Answer 2: It will be cancelled totally and will not be accepted in the service centres.

  • Question 3: What are the characteristics of the electronic selling agreement?

Answer 3:

    • It guarantees the rights of the seller and the buyer.
    • It protects the seller from transferring the ownership of the vehicle or his plate without his knowledge since the transaction requires the presence of both parties when performing the transaction. It also requires verifying their Emirates IDs through the card reader.
    • The seller has no right to use the vehicle after signing the electronic selling agreement.
    • It activates the role of using the Emirates ID as one of the most important identification documents in the UAE.
    • Keeping records of the transfer history of the vehicle or plate ownership, especially when querying about the previous transfer transactions of the vehicle or the plate.
    • It gives access to records and statistics performed in the showrooms, which wasn't possible with paper agreements.
    • Automatic cancellation of the selling agreement in case it was expired before the buyer completed the selling transaction.
    • Registering the traffic fines (Dubai or other emirates' fines) under the buyer's name from the day he signs the electronic agreement.
  • Question 4: Is there a smart card reader provided to showrooms?

Answer 4: Yes, all authorised showrooms are provided with a smart card reader.

  • Question 5: Are the showrooms trained on how to use the system?

Answer 5: Yes, a workshop was held in the showrooms after signing the agreement.

  • Question 6: What is the geographic scope of the electronic selling agreement?

Answer 6: It can be used in Dubai only.

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