Press Releases
Dec 05 2017
3.9 million Riders use mass transit modes during the holidays of Prophet Birthday, Commemoration Day and National Day
![Info graphic about the Riders use mass transit modes during the holidays of Prophet Birthday, Commemoration Day and National Day](/wps/wcm/connect/rta/1597d433-3cd5-4a7a-9ce7-4a5158a74236/3.9+million+Riders+use+mass+transit+modes+during+the+holidays+of+Prophet+Birthday%2C+Commemoration+Day+and+National+Day.png?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_N004G041LOBR60AUHP2NT32000-1597d433-3cd5-4a7a-9ce7-4a5158a74236-mdzcMb5)
The public transport means (metro, tram, public buses and marine transport) of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai have lifted 3,964,179 riders during the holidays of Prophet Birthday, Commemoration Day and National Day from 30 November to 3 December 2017.
During the said holiday, Dubai Metro has lifted 2,044,827 riders, public buses have served 1,599,238 riders, marine transit means have shuttled 243,448 riders, and the Dubai Tram has commuted 76,666 riders.
RTA has an unwavering commitment to maximising the happiness and satisfaction of all community segments including public transport users. It, therefore, makes every effort to ensure that public transit means are safe, convenient, robust and fitted with the latest technologies of the industry.
Comprising the metro, tram, public buses and marine transport, RTA’s public transit means in Dubai are witnessing rapidly growing ridership, thanks to the spreading culture of using public transportation amongst community members. These modes are characterised by their spacious interiors and smooth mobility to various destinations in the Emirate.