Press Releases
Dec 07 2017
21 Coherent Commercial Groups to streamline overlapping commercial transport activities
The Roads and Transports Authority (RTA) has rolled out a policy setting up Coherent Commercial Activities in keeping with Dubai’s government directives, and RTA’s commitment to streamline commercial transport activities within the applicable guidelines. The underlying objectives of the new Policy is to support the business sector through facilitating the licensing of relevant activities, and accordingly contribute to the realization of RTA’s seventh strategic goal "RTA Excellence".
Nasser Al Haj, Director of Commercial Transport Activities at RTA Licensing Agency, said, “We have identified 21 Coherent Commercial Groups where the licensee is permitted to practice one or add more activities electively within the activities set under the same group. The licensee cannot combine different activities in a single commercial license. The RTA has mapped out a process for educating officials concerned with the implementation of the policy as well as periodic reviews and updates to bring it in line with any subsequent developments’’.
‘’The launch of the Coherent Commercial Groups Policy supports RTA’s seventh strategic goal: RTA Excellence. The Policy aims to develop a methodology to streamline the licensing of activities falling under coherent groups of sectors. It also seeks to curb random commercial licenses along with their negative effects highlighted by the practicing of overlapping activities. The Policy seeks to facilitate business processes for companies and integrate them with coherent activities. For instance, it will not be permissible for a company to transport foodstuffs and at the same time transport petroleum products,” added Nasser