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Algeria Street Improvement

Project description 

  • The development stretches 2 km from the intersection of Algeria Street and Al Khawaneej Street (South) to the intersection of Tunis Street (North) at Al Muhaisnah (1) and Al Mizhar (1)
  • Widening Algeria Street from the intersection of Street 11 near Al Khawaneej Street up to the intersection with Tunis Street as well as Streets 27 and 31
  • Increasing the number of lanes of Algeria Street from two to three lanes in each direction
  • Transforming the existing roundabout into a signalised junction to provide left turns
  • Introducing cycling tracks and designated pedestrian zones stretching from Street 11 to Street 27 on Algeria Street's left side, and from Street 27 to Tunis Street on the right side
  • Paving of a service road along both sides of Algeria Street to link with the service roads for Streets 27 and 31
  • Providing parallel parking spaces for villas on both sides along with angle parking in areas adjacent to the junction of Algeria Street with Streets 27 and 31


Project Benefits

  • Increases the road's capacity from 6,000 vehicles to 9,000 vehicles per hour in both directions
  • Serves the residential communities of Muhaisnah and Al Mizhar
  • Improves road quality and reduces the travel times from Al Khawaneej Street to Tunis Street from 15 minutes to just 7 minutes during peak hours, marking a reduction of over 50%

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