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Salik Tariff Policy

  • Salik, a Public Joint Stock Company, is the sole provider of toll gates operations in Dubai and has a critical role in assisting RTA with providing smooth and seamless transportation system in Dubai. Salik tariff, as currently defined, is AED 4 when passing the gate each time, except for the list of pre-defined exemptions.
  • The Salik tariff employed by Salik PJSC (“Salik”) will in practice be determined based on the following process:
    1- Salik Board will review the tariff annually and may propose revisions to tariff chargeable to Salik consumers to the Roads and Transport Authority (“RTA”)
    2- RTA will review and assess any tariff revisions proposed by Salik
    3- RTA will make recommendations in respect of the proposed tariff revisions to The Executive Council of Dubai (“TEC”); and
    4- TEC will then consider the approval of the recommendations made by Salik Board, as per Dubai Law No. (12) of 2022, taking into consideration the review and recommendations of RTA
  • In assessing proposed tariff revisions, TEC will take into consideration and aim to deliver a fair outcome for consumers, Salik (including its shareholders) and other key stakeholders
  • Any tariff revisions will consider; among other factors; inflation, Salik’s operating and maintenance costs and financial structure
  • Tariff will also seek to ensure efficiency, including:
    1- Seamless traffic: Improving the traffic congestions on the toll roads
    2- Investment and operations: Recovery of efficiently incurred operating costs including a fair return on investment

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